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Changes to Race Duration and Entry Start Times

With the beginning of the '2019/20 Exhibition Series - Season 1', starting on Wednesday, 18 September, the duration of the races in both the Nations Cup and Manufacturer Series will be extended in all Regions. As a consequence of this change, the start times for each Race Entry will also change.

■ Race Schedule Changes

 ・ The duration of the races will be extended to 60 minutes (from 40 minutes;)
 ・ The start times for Race Entries 1-3 will also change;
 ・ The intervals between races will also be extended by 5 minutes.

There are no changes to the number of Race Entries in a day.

■ New Regional Race Entry Start Times

[Europe/Middle East/Africa: UTC]
 ・Nations Cup: 17:00, 19:40, 22:20
 ・Manufacturer Series: 18:20, 21:00, 23:40

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