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'FIA Gran Turismo Championship' 2018 Final Season Global Manufacturer Ranking

On 8 September, the Final Season of the 'FIA Gran Turismo Championship' 2018 Manufacturer Series concluded. The results determined the following Season's Global Manufacturer Ranking:

The ranking is determined by the highest value of distributed points from all regions.

The top 16 manufacturers from the Global Manufacturer Ranking of the Final Season will proceed to the World Final. For more details regarding the 'FIA Gran Turismo Championships' and the 'Star Player' system, please refer to “The FIA Gran Turismo Championship” article at the official website.

Global Manufacturer Ranking

Rank Make Points
1 Nissan 105
2 Dodge 90
3 Lexus 85
4 Mercedes-Benz 78
5 BMW 76
6 Porsche 64
7 Honda 58
8 Citroën 57
9 Mitsubishi 56
10 Volkswagen 53
11 Toyota 51*
12 Chevrolet 51*
13 Ferrari 46
14 Subaru 42
15 Renault Sport 41
16 Aston Martin 38*
17 Hyundai 38*
18 Jaguar 36
19 Ford 35
20 Alfa Romeo 22*
21 Mazda 22*
22 Audi 14
23 Peugeot 13
24 Lamborghini 12
25 McLaren 11

Furthermore, the 3 Regional Manufacturer Rankings can be found below:

Europe, Middle-East, and Africa

Rank Make Points
1 Volkswagen derek737_DK_ 45
2 Dodge RC_zoky88 40
3 Mitsubishi JAdams2010 35
4 Porsche rick-918-bmx 31
5 Lexus Oscaro_SkyPikmin 27
6 Mercedes-Benz force_ewerby 24
7 Renault Sport Williams_Coque14 22
9 Jaguar Jomas_74 18
10 Citroën Oscaro_MansoN 16
11 Toyota RC_Miura 15
12 Subaru TgTenka 14
13 Ferrari mthomas_95 13
14 Honda Oscaro_Slent 12
15 Chevrolet mclaren6 11
16 Aston Martin cubertom 10
17 Ford Giorgio_57 9
18 Peugeot GTA_Tidgney 8
19 BMW Der_Heizer 7
20 Mazda VP_Bellof956 6
21 Hyundai Oscaro_Stefounzy 5
22 Audi Schosse97 4
23 McLaren Rickaldo23 3
24 Alfa Romeo F4H_Rosso 2
25 Lamborghini miketheplayer24 1


Rank Make Points
1 BMW FT_NicoR 45
2 Nissan IOF_RACING17 40
3 Dodge Turismo-lester 35
5 Mercedes-Benz GumballCGT 27
6 Chevrolet FT_Ant 24
7 Porsche FT_Solid 22
8 Ferrari Deafsun96 20
9 Lexus FT_5zigen 18
10 Jaguar OutlawQuadrant 16
11 Hyundai Windfire1010 15
12 Alfa Romeo DodgeLamb 14
13 Mazda T-GT_CristianoSa 13
14 Ford MrStinkyBug 12
15 Honda FT_DieGodlike 11
16 Renault Sport JIM_FacuDudu 10
17 Mitsubishi Z28 9
18 Aston Martin hendrix323 8
20 Subaru BLKJ_Evolution 6
21 Toyota ORMA_Aspicito 5
22 Lamborghini AcuratePaul 4
23 Volkswagen Thiago_Bica 3
24 Audi el_speco 2
25 Peugeot REVsnowjob 1


Rank Make Points
1 Nissan Akagi_1942mi 45
2 Lexus Kawakana222 40
3 Honda s-shohei_ 35
4 Toyota yamado_racing38 31
5 Mercedes-Benz CLS63AMG-sc 27
6 BMW okasan_joestar07 24
7 Subaru Kerokkuma_ej20 22
8 Aston Martin legacy0193 20
9 Hyundai m2vsmario 18
10 Chevrolet GSN538 16
11 Dodge ayumu5617 15
12 Ford you143298 14
13 Ferrari yukiku 13
14 Mitsubishi gilles_honda_v12 12
15 Porsche blackbeauty-79 11
16 Citroën minamiya95 10
17 Renault Sport mish12calsonic 9
18 Audi kat1989 8
19 Lamborghini kaoru80 7
20 Alfa Romeo Napolitan2 6
21 Volkswagen ilovecat-k 5
22 Peugeot Swallowtail21 4
23 Mazda Ryu_Ryu_RS 3
24 Jaguar KOTETSU-BRZ 2
25 McLaren KurtAnglesTheme 1

We would like to thank you all for the many entries in the Championship Final Season!

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