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Update Notice (4 June)

An update for Gran Turismo Sport has been released. The following is a list of the main features introduced:

Main Features Implemented

1. Sport Mode & Lobby
 - The amount of shock during contact between cars in a race has been reduced. There will now be less deflection off of another car after a contact. (The amount of shock during contact between cars in Lobby races remains unchanged.)

Other Improvements and Adjustments

- Fixed an issue in the Livery Editor with the 'MAZDA RX-VISION GT3 CONCEPT' wherein the racing car number placed on the bonnet appeared distorted;
- Fixed an issue with the 'MAZDA RX-VISION GT3 CONCEPT' wherein applying the car settings or Balance of Performance (BOP) in Regulation Settings on an oval track incorrectly changed the engine sound.
- Various other issues have been addressed.

Thank you for your continued support and please continue to enjoy Gran Turismo Sport!

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