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FIA 그란 투리스모 챔피언십 2019 익시비전 시리즈 결과 속보 (시즌 1)

Season 1 of the 'FIA Gran Turismo Championship' 2019 Exhibition Series was held on 2 March. The following are the top 3 drivers from the Asia region.

Congratulations to the players who made it all the way to the top!

네이션스 컵

랭킹 / 국가-지역 / 온라인 ID / 포인트

1. / Japan / Kerokkuma_ej20 / 11122pts
2. / Japan / Kawakana222 / 10711pts
3. / Japan / legacy0193 / 10495pts

매뉴팩처러 시리즈

랭킹 / 매뉴팩처러 / 온라인 ID / 포인트

1. / Toyota / Dauble-Weapon / 12073pts
2. / Mazda / Akagi_1942mi / 11928pts
3. / Lexus / Kawakana222 / 11437pts

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