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FIA 그란 투리스모 챔피언십 2018 익시비전 시리즈 결과 속보 (시즌 4)

Season 4 of the "FIA Gran Turismo Championship 2018" Exhibition Series was held on January 12. The following are the top three drivers from the Asia region.

Congratulations to the players who made it all the way to the top!

네이션스 컵

랭킹 / 국가-지역 / 온라인 ID / 포인트

1. / Japan / Kerokkuma_ej20 / 7249
2. / Japan / Akagi_1942mi / 7178
3. / Japan / legacy0193 / 7136

매뉴팩처러 시리즈

랭킹 / 매뉴팩처러 / 온라인 ID / 포인트

1. / Volkswagen / Akagi_1942mi / 7718
2. / Toyota / Dauble-Weapon / 7607
3. / Lexus / Kawakana222 / 7470

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