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Gran Turismo 5 E3 2010 Trailer



『Gran Turismo 5(跑車浪漫旅5)』E3 2010版概念影片 樂曲命名募集

  在「『Gran Turismo 5(跑車浪漫旅5)』E3 2010版概念影片」中所使用的樂曲(Artist:DAIKI KASHO),將從全世界募集英文曲名。


  獲選曲名的投稿者姓名,將會在收錄在『Gran Turismo 5(跑車浪漫旅5)』的Special Thanks(特別感謝)工作人員名單當中!

寄件標題:GT5 Music Track Title
1. 曲名(限填1個)
2. 您的姓名或暱稱(限用英文字母)
4. 您現在居住的國家或地區
5. 關於此曲名的相關解說(英文150字以内)
2010年7月25日 11:59 PM(香港時間)


將由『Gran Turismo(跑車浪漫旅)』系列的山內一典製作人評選之。





・投稿時所使用之姓名或暱稱,僅使用於本活動之審查及結果發表、與獲選時顯示於工作人員名單中。另『Gran Turismo 5(跑車浪漫旅5)』Special Thanks(特別感謝)工作人員名單中所使用名稱將依照投稿時所提供之資料,恕不接受更改。



Eyes go shut
I dissipate
Into thin air leaving no trace
Distant voice
Not listening
Why don't you just save your breath?

All of your words feel like a jail
That blocks the sun and makes me stale
Not enough gold in all the world
So why have I surrendered

To your abusive ways
The cracks have opened up to the core
Is there anywhere to go from here now?
Sick with the lies consuming our souls

Give me one reason to take the breath we breathe for granted
Hold it in so long that you forget to say
Give me one reason to remain confined within the fences
Here with you and my soul on display

Bite my tongue
Swallow the pain
A bit disturbed by these displays
Now we've got nothing to say
The silence growing deadly

So here we are drifting apart
Neither willing to drop their guard
Haven't we got something to say?
The distance growing deadly

From years and years of pain
The cracks go deeper than we can see
Let's take a good look at where we are now
Maybe the end's the start that we need

Give me one reason to take the breath we breathe for granted
Hold it in so long that you forget to say
Give me one reason to remain confined within the fences
Here with you and my soul on display

Life is too precious to waste