Online Races

About Port Forwarding

*The online services for “Gran Turismo 6” have been terminated. This function can no longer be used.

The port numbers for Gran Turismo 6's online racing are listed below. However, depending on your fellow players' network environments, other UDP ports may also be used.

TCP: 80, 443, 5223
UDP: 3478, 3479, 3658

Online play may be adversely affected if these ports are blocked by your router's firewall or by other means. In such cases, you will need to cancel LAN -> WAN (outward) packet filtering on your router.

If, even after performing the above step, you are still having trouble enjoying online races while connected through a router, please set your router so that it forwards the port number noted below to your PlayStation®3 system. (To set up port forwarding, you may need to manually set the IP address on your PlayStation®3 system. To do so, select "Network Settings" from your PlayStation®3 system's XMB™, then select "Internet Connection Settings" -> "Custom", and set "IP Address Settings" to "Manual").

UDP: 3658

For details on setting up port forwarding on your router, please refer to your router's instruction manual, or contact your router's manufacturer.

Depending on your router type, "port forwarding" may be referred to by another name, such as: "port mapping", "static masquerading", "port opening", "changing address settings" or "virtual server". Please refer to the section of your router's manual which deals with online gaming for more details.

Related Pages
- Connecting to the Internet
- Online Connection Tips
- The Room Screen
- Fixed Room Ownership
- How to Create a Room 1
- How to Create a Room 2
- How to Create a Room 3
- About UPnP